Monday, March 16, 2020

Passing Time Part I - Media

In a productivity focused society, wasted time is almost seen as a sin.  But for people like me who have to spend lots of time resting and recovering, wasting time is a way of life.  Or as I like to call it, passing time.  Because if I do things right, there's not a lot of waste involved.  

With things shutting down and people shutting in due to COVID-19, lots of you will be joining me on the slow path.  Previously, I wrote a guide to staying healthy and happy while stuck at home, and today I'm going to share some of my favorite time passers with you.   

Anything that captures your interest and has you looking at the clock less often is fair game.  If you learn something new, expand your horizons, or create something, that's a bonus!

Here are some of my favorite things to do during downtime and associated recommendations.  

Man do I love books.  Ever since I learned to read, I've been captivated by stories and have consumed them voraciously.  After an unfortunate disagreement between my brainstem and my cervical vertebrae, reading is much more difficult, so I find myself listening to audiobooks as much as I read a good old fashioned paperback.  (Audiobooks have the extra benefit of freeing up your eyes and hands to do other things like crafts, exercise, and housework.) 

My current favorites include:
-World War Z by Max Brooks isn't just disturbingly relevant.  It's also a masterpiece of science fiction and social commentary.   You'll love it even if you aren't usually into sci-fi or zombie stories.  It should be required reading/listening for humanity.  
-Tomorrow, When the War Began by John Marsden is a wonderfully acted, action-packed audiobook with several sequels.  The story follows a group of teenagers who become guerilla fighters once their home is invaded.   
-Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace is my literary Everest.  I haven't actually finished the (very, VERY long) audiobook yet, but I've very much enjoyed it so far.  So far there is lots of tennis, but I'm told it gets apocalyptic eventually.      
-Leviathan Wakes by James S.A. Corey is the first of an epic sci-fi series that's had me captivated for countless hours.  The characters are interesting and the plot weaves through space-age politics and intrigue.  
-The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson is another book that's the first of a gripping series that is good for hours of reading or listening.  I'm not normally into action/mysteries, but I love this series anyway.  
-The Assassin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb is quite possibly my favorite book I've ever read.  It's a beautiful introduction into my favorite fantasy world.  The writing and characters are absolutely fantastic.  You'll see quotes from Hobb pop up on my social media frequently.  
-Harry Potter by JK Rowling is an obvious pick.  No matter how many times I've read the books or listened to the audiobooks, there's nothing like passing the time by revisiting Hogwarts.  

I'll stop here with my absolute favorites.  Otherwise we'd be talking about books all day.  


I discovered podcasts as I spent a few months recovering from my first adrenal crisis.  And man was that discovery a game changer!  There is probably a podcast for every interest out there.  It's a great way to learn something new, stay informed, or be entertained for hours.  Seriously, some of these podcasts I'll rec took me literal months of listening to get caught up! 

Here's some of my favorites:

-The Black Tapes - This thrilling and spooky podcast was my introduction to the world of fiction podcasting.  Follow host Alex Reagan as she investigates a series of paranormal happenings that will leave you wanting to keep the lights on all night.  There are sadly only three seasons, but you can catch the equally good spinoff podcast Tanis.
-Code Switch - Gene Demby and Shereen Marisol Meraji host this NPR podcast which tackles issues having to do with minority races and cultures.  Code Switch is incredibly well produced and a great way to expand your mind while being thoroughly entertained.  Can't recommend it enough!  
-My Favorite Murder - Though I am not really a fan of true crime (too sad) and I was not initially excited about the premise of a comedy podcast about murder, I am 100% won over by hosts Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark.  They are two hilarious and endlessly compassionate women who I never get tired of listening to.  This is the chosen podcasts for my mom and I when we make the long commute to my doctors up north.  
-Serial - The podcast that started it all for me.  Sarah Koenig leads an incredibly well produced investigative journalism podcast.  Though the later seasons are merely fantastic, the first was so amazing it changed the landscape of podcasting.  
-Binge Mode - Each season, hosts Mallory Rubin and Jason Concepcion deep dive into a series beloved by nerds everywhere.  They analyse plots, themes, and characters in a way that would make any lit teacher proud, while making me laugh out loud with their quirky humor.  If you are into Game of Thrones (Season 1), Harry Potter (Season 2), or Star Wars (Season 3), you'll love this podcast.  

And a list of some of my other favorites...

I also highly recommend perusing through iTunes U for academic topics that spark your interest!   

(Computer/Tablet) Games

While I don't have the hand eye coordination or reflexes to be good at most serious video games, I have found several that I really enjoy.    

Minecraft will suck you in once you know the basics.  There are so many different ways to play the game and so much to explore and discover.  I originally tried out the mobile version so I could talk intelligently about it with my young clients.  Now, several years later, I'm still hooked.  To get the most out of the game, check out some of the how-to videos on youtube or the Minecraft Wiki.  

Stardew Valley is one of those games that will make time fly by.  You'll sit down to manage your little virtual farm, blink once or twice, and suddenly several hours have passed.  Fans of Harvest Moon will love this game!  (If you ever get stuck, the Stardew Valley Wiki is a great resource!)  And there's no in app purchases or ads to annoy you!

I've been a big fan of the Pokemon games since I was a little kid.  This past year, I had a blast revisiting some of the old gameboy games I found kicking around the house.  There are some excellent walkthroughs online for free if you get stuck anywhere.  Go catch 'em all!  

Then there's always classics like The Sims series, Spore, and Roller Coaster Tycoon.  

TV Shows

I actually don't watch that much TV lately and there are SO many great guides out there that I'm not going to do a full write up.   The one thing I have to say is that in addition to those binge worthy fiction shows, try to watch some travel and documentary shows too.  Maybe we can't travel right now, but we can live vicariously through those that have documented their journeys.  

And remember, it's ok to sneak a guilty pleasure into your watching schedule.  

Social Media, Websites, etc. 

If you are like me, you are glued to your favorite social media sites for the latest updates about COVID-19.  But if you get tired of all virus talk all the time, here are some other places I go to pass time.

I don't know what I would have done the past few years without Reddit.  That site sucks you in with a subreddit for any interest and constant new content.  My favorite subreddits are r/legaladvicer/askredditr/crochetr/dogsr/humansbeingcuter/japaneseameshowsr/mediciner/travelr/weather, and r/whatisthisthing.  Go to a new sub, sort by top --> all time and settle in for some good entertainment.

I also spend a lot of time on Pinterest (since I was a beta tester for the site!) getting ideas for fun projects or recipes.  

I like to window shop online, even though I rarely actually buy anything.  I like perusing Woot!This is Why I'm Broke, and S@#^& You Can Afford.  I'm also addicted to reading guides and reviews of products on Jet Pens.

Then there's just a bunch of random stuff on the internet because people can be strange and awesome.  

I'd love to hear from you with your favorite time passers!  Comment below or send me an e-mail!  As I get more suggestions, I'll add some to the list.

Stay tuned for Part II of Passing Time where I discuss the hobies that keep me sane! 

Thanks for reading!  

"Maybe someday we will findThat it wasn't really wasted time."-The Eagles 

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