Friday, February 24, 2012


Wow we had some big swells yesterday!  I am so glad I seem not to get seasick anymore.  The morning wasn't that bad, but by the afternoon it really felt like I was taking a class on a roller coaster!


Dinner was really fun.  There were things (and people) crashing about and lots of fun commotion.  I got some excellent video of the rocking boat and the accompanying crashes of cups and whatnot.  One of my fiends was sitting in a chair one minute and flung full on the ground the next minute!   Don't worry she is ok but may have a new unfortunate new nickname...

When I got back to my room, it was like a tiny war zone.  I went around cleaning things up only to have them crashing all around me when we hit the next big swell.  I finally decided that everything should stay at very low levels of potential energy (aka on the ground) even if it did give the room an unkempt feel.  

Sleeping was a treat.  I thought concentrating in class was difficult enough, but sleeping on what feels like a roller coaster is pretty much impossible.  I couldn't find my tape I had brought so our drawers were crashing back and forth too.  I guess I did manage some sleep because I woke up to a particularly large swell almost throwing me out of bed at around 5:30 this morning.  

It was an adventure though.  :0)  I hear it gets even worse between here and Mauritius!  I'm excited and dreading it at the same time.  

Also, cool clouds from three days ago:

And what was deemed "The Mufasa Sunset" by someone else taking pictures with me.  I am not sure about the thought process there, but the name has stuck. 

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