Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Good News and Good Times

   Before I can write about anything else, I must say WE GET TO GO TO MAURITIUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The assistant dean made the announcement this morning that some spectacular efforts from the captain, crew, and immigration officers will give us four hours on land!  I am so excited!  I'm a little fuzzy with the details (I don't know if port day will be tomorrow or the next day) because I was too busy jumping on my bed and clapping to hear the rest of the announcement.  Big time happiness in the SAS world right now!

   Before this was known, SAS was already being awesome and trying to make up for the fact that we were missing a port.  There have been tons of things going on starting last evening and running through this evening. 

  The night started out with celebrating my friend Josh's birthday!  We had fun goofing off and eating cake.  :0)

One person found some dodgy filament in the cake and we got into a heated debate on whether it was a fish bone or a piece of plastic.

  I finally made it to an ASL club meeting (I always go to the wrong room or am too seasick or fall asleep too early) and it was fantastic!  We watched a movie about deaf culture and it was really interesting.  I could relate to so much of it.  Like thinking of my illness as something needing fixing as opposed to being part of who I am.  That's something many people who are deaf have already figured out and learning more about the culture is providing me with some great role models.  

  Afterwards I fully intended on going to bed but my friends convinced me to go get dressed for the dance party on the top deck instead.  I reluctantly headed back to my room to get changed and must have gotten my second wind because I even put on makeup!  When they came by to pick me up, we decided to head to the piano in the now abandoned union to sing show tunes for a bit first.  No big deal.  It was only everything I hoped to happen during college and was finally happening.  We sang songs from Wicked and Next to Normal and I was pretty much in heaven.  :0)  

  As if staying up until 10 wasn't awesome enough, I decided to head to the dance party...just to say hi and make an appearance.  Then, against my will, I started having fun and ended up staying until the end.  It was actually one of the most fun things I've done on the ship!  I couldn't dance for very long without starting to black out, so I would alternate dancing and sitting.  I got some strange looks, but I couldn't quite care.  :0)  Towards the end, it started pouring and we all ran out from under the overhand and proceeded to dance to Waka Waka in the pouring rain.  The final song was actually after the music stopped.  One group started clapping and singing "We're not going to Mauritius.  We're not going to Mauritius.  We're not going to Mauritius anymore" to the tune of "We're not gunna take it."  Pretty soon we were all clapping, singing, and dancing our acceptance of missing a port.  It was a really good night!

POTSie break!

The next morning continued the trend of awesomeness when we woke up to finding out that we would be going to Mauritius after all!


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