Friday, March 23, 2012

Sea Olympics!

  Wow, I've gotten behind on blogging!  Better catch up before Vietnam!

The first day back on the boat after India was Sea Olympics Day!  Everyone on the boat is in a sea based on where they live on the ship.  My roomie and I are in the Adriatic Sea and our team color is black.  We are totally the best even though we did't win Sea Olympics.  haha

The whole day was spent competing against the other seas in strange events like potato carving and crab soccer.  I did the photo competition and potato carving.  The rest of the time I was resting up from India or cheering on my peeps!  The potato carving was quite challenging even for a food art expert like me.  haha  The potatoes were very boiled so it was more potato mushing than carving.  My team carved a Mr. Potato Dean as our masterpiece.  We got third place for our work of potato art!

For the photo competition, the theme was "too close for comfort."  I went around harassing people by taking close ups of their faces until they revolted and made me start taking pictures of my own face.  haha  The results were pretty funny!

I watched a few other events, although it was sometimes hard to see from my angle.

Oh POTS, why do you make my life so awkward!  haha

I was able to stand up and catch a few pics of the cup flipping competition that my roomie was competed in.  (We got first place in that one btw!)

The Sea Olympics culminated in a lip sync competition that evening.  There is some serious talent (and senses of humor where talent is lacking) on this ship!

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